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論文(英文・査読あり) | 論文(和文・査読有) | 学会紀要(査読有) | 総説・解説など(査読有) | 総説・解説など(査読無) | 著書・編著・その他 | 著書(分担執筆)

  • 研究論文:英文(査読のあるもの)

Abe H., Hayashi S., Sakuma A., Yamano H. (2024) Priority sites for coral aquaculture in Kume Island based on numerical simulation. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 303, 108797. 新着情報 updated Jun, 3,2024

Abe H., Yamano H. (2024) Simulated connectivity of crown-of-thorns starfish around Ashizuri-Uwakai National Park (western Japan) based on a high-resolution hydrodynamic modeling. Coral Reefs, 43, 371–390. 新着情報 updated Apl. 10, 2024

Chan, Y.K.S., Affendi, Y.A., Ang, P., Baria-Rodriguez, M.V., Chen, A., Chui, A., Giyanto , Glue, M., Huang, H., Kuo, C.-Y., Kim, S.W., Lam, V., Lane, D., Lian, J.S., Lin, S., Lunn, Z., Nanola, C., Nguyen, L., Park, H.S., Sudharsono , Sutthacheep, M., Vo, S.T., Vibol, O., Waheed, Z.,Yamano, H., Yeemin, T., Yong, E., Kimura, T., Tun, K., Chou, L.M., Huang, D. (2023) Decadal stability in coral cover could mask hidden changes on reefs in the East Asian Seas. Communications Biology, 6, 630.

Abe H., Kumagai N.H., Yamano H. (2022) Priority coral conservation areas under global warming in the Amami Islands, Southern Japan. Coral Reefs, 41, 1637-1650.

Abe H., Kitano Y.F., Fujita T., Yamano H. (2022) Distribution, use, management, regulation, and future concerns of reef-building corals based on administrative documents in Japan. Marine Policy, 141, 105090.

Abe H., Sanbu M., Kanai M., Yamano H. (2022) Gaps in knowledge about distribution, utilization, and management of Sargassaceae (Fucales, Phaeophyta) in Okinawa Island, southern Japan. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 53, 102431.

Abe H., Mitsui S., Yamano H. (2022) Conservation of the coral community and local stakeholders’ perceptions of climate change impacts: Examples and gap analysis in three Japanese national parks. Ocean and Coastal Management, 218, 106042.

Sakuma A., Abe H., Yamano H. (2021) Short-term sediment plume event in the coral reef area of a small island captured by the Planet Dove satellite constellation. Remote Sensing Letters, 12, 1038-1048

Abe H., Kumagai N.H., Yamano H., Kuramoto Y. (2021) Coupling high-resolution coral bleaching modeling with management practices to identify areas for conservation in a warming climate: Keramashoto National Park (Okinawa Prefecture, Japan). Science of the Total Environment, 790, 148094

Abe H., Suzuki H., Kitano Y.F., Kumagai N.H., Mitsui S., Yamano H. (2021) Climate-induced species range shift and local adaptation strategies in a temperate marine protected area, Ashizuri-Uwakai National Park, Shikoku Island, western Japan. Ocean & Coastal Management, 210, 105744

Takeuchi Y., Muraoka H., Yamakita T., Kano Y., Nagai S., Bunthang T., Costello M., Darnaedi D., Diway B., Ganyai T., Grudpan C., Hughes A., Ishii R., Lim P.T., Ma K., Muslim A., Nakano S., Nakaoka M., Nakashizuka T., Onuma M., Park C.H., Pungga S.R., Saito Y., Shakya M., Sulaiman M., Sumi M., Thach P., Trisurat Y., Xu X., Yamano H., Yao T.L., Kim E.S., Vergara S., Yahara T. (2021) The Asia-Pacific Biodiversity Observation Network: 10-year achievements and new strategies to 2030. Ecological Research, 36, 232-257 論文概要紹介

Abe H., Suzuki H., Kumagai N.H., Yamano H. (2020) Distribution gradient of fucoid algae (Sargassaceae, Phaeophyta) along the coastline of Okinawa Island, southern Japan: relationship to environmental factors. Regional Studies in Marine Science, 40, 101526 論文概要紹介

Kitano Y.F., Hongo C., Yara Y., Sugihara K., Kumagai N.H., Yamano H. (2020) Data on coral species occurrences in Japan since 1929. Ecological Research, 35, 975-985

Arita K., Suzuki H., Yamano H., Yabe T., Kumagai N.H. (2020) Quantitative records of habitat-forming seaweeds found in Japanese temperate and subtropical zones (fucoids and kelps). Ecological Research, 35, 967-974 論文概要紹介

Yamano H., Sakuma A., Harii S. (2020) Coral-spawn slicks: Reflectance spectra and detection using optical satellite data. Remote Sensing of Environment, 251, 112058

Imamura K., Takano T. K., Kumagai N. H., Yoshida Y., Yamano H., Fujii M., Nakashizuka T., Managi S. (2020) Valuation of coral reefs in Japan: Willingness to pay for conservation and the effect of information. Ecosystem Services 長野県への外部リンク(長野県への外部リンク)

Sakuma A., Yamano H. (2020) Satellite Constellation Reveals Crop Growth Patterns and Improves Mapping Accuracy of Cropping Practices for Subtropical Small-Scale Fields in Japan. Remote Sensing, 12, 2419

Yamano H., Inoue T., Baba S. (2020) Mangrove development and carbon storage on an isolated coral atoll. Environmental Research Communications, 2, 065002

Nakamura N., Kayanne H., Takahashi Y., Sunamura M., Hosoi G., Yamano H. (2020) Anthropogenic anoxic history of the Tuvalu Atoll recorded as annual black bands in coral. Scientific Reports, 10, 7338 東京大学サイトへの外部リンク(東京大学サイトへの外部リンク)

Kubo T., Uryu S., Yamano H., Tsuge T., Yamakita T., Shirayama Y. (2020) Mobile phone network data reveal nationwide economic value of coastal tourism under climate change. Tourism Management, 77, 104010 国立環境研究所ウェブサイトプレスリリースへのリンク

Yamano H., Inoue T., Adachi H., Tsukaya K., Adachi R., Baba S. (2019) Holocene sea-level change and evolution of a mixed coral reef and mangrove system at Iriomote Island, southwest Japan. Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science, 220, 166-175

Nakabayashi, A., Yamakita, T., Nakamura, T., Aizawa, H., Kitano, Y.F., Iguchi, A., Yamano, H., Nagai, S., Agostini, S., Teshima, K. M., and Yasuda, N. (2019) The potential role of temperate Japanese regions as refugia for the coral Acropora hyacinthus in the face of climate change. Scientific Reports, 9, 1892. DOI: 10.1038/s41598-018-38333-5 産業技術総合研究所ウェブサイトプレスリリースへの外部リンク(外部リンク:産業技術総合研究所サイト)

Kubo, T., Tsuge, T., Abe, H., Yamano, H. (2019) Understanding island residents' anxiety about impacts caused by climate change using Best-Worst Scaling: A case study of Amami islands, Japan. Sustainability Science, 14(1), 131-138. DOI: 10.1007/s11625-018-0640-8

Sakaguchi, A., Inaba, R., Sasa, K., Matsunaka, T., Hosoya, S., Takahashi, T., Honda, M., Yamano, H., Sasaki, K., Yamasaki, S., Watanabe, T., and Sueki, K. (2018) Reconstruction of anthropogenic 129I temporal variation in the Japan Sea using a coral core sample. Marine Environmental Research, 142, 91-99. DOI: 10.1016/j.marenvres.2018.09.003

Kumagai, N. H., Molinos, J. G., Yamano, H., Takao, S., Fujii, M., Yamanaka, Y. (2018) Ocean currents and herbivory drive macroalgae-to-coral community shift under climate warming. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 115, 8990-8995. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1716826115 プレスリリースへのリンク 論文概要紹介へのリンク

Weisler, M.I., Qua, H., Zhao, J.-X., Nguyen, A.D., Nothdurft, L., Yamano, H., and Mihaljević, M. (2018) Marine reservoir correction for the southern Marshall Islands for the past 2,500 years. Radiocarbon, 60(1), 333-348. DOI:10.1017/RDC.2017.63

Nakaoka, M., Sudo, K., Namba, M., Shibata, H., Nakamura, F., Ishikawa, S., Makino, M., Yamano, H., Matsuzaki, S.S., Yamakita, T., Yu, X., Hou, X., Li, X., Brodie, J., Kanemoto, K., Moran, D., and Verones, F. (2018) TSUNAGARI: A new interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary study toward conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity and ecosystem services. Ecological Research, 33(1), 35-49. DOI: 10.1007/s11284-017-1534-4

Kumagai, N. H., Yamano, H., Sango-Map-Project, C. (2018) High-resolution modeling of thermal thresholds and environmental influences on coral bleaching for local and regional reef management. PeerJ, 6, e4382. DOI: 10.7717/peerj.4382 論文概要紹介

Kidera, N., Kadoya, T., Yamano, H., Takamura, N., Ogano, T., Wakabayashi, T., Takezawa, M., and Hasegawa, M. (2018) Hydrological effects of paddy improvement and abandonment on amphibian populations; long-term trends of the Japanese brown frog, Rana japonica. Biological Conservation, 219, 96-104. DOI: 10.1016/j.biocon.2018.01.007

Iwatsuki, Y., Nakajima, K., Yamano, H., Otsuki, A., and Murakami, S. (2018) Variation and changes in land-use intensities behind nickel mining: coupling operational and satellite data. Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 134, 361-366. DOI: 10.1016/j.resconrec.2018.02.028

Nomura, T., Sakaguchi, A., Steier, P., Eigl, R., Yamakawa, A., Watanabe,T., Sasaki, K., Watanabe, T., Golser, R., Takahashi, Y., Yamano, H.(2017) Reconstruction of temporal distribution of 236U/238U in the Northwest Pacific Ocean using a coral core from the Kuroshio Current area. Marine Chemistry, 190, 28-34. DOI: 10.1016/j.marchem.2016.12.008

Garcia-Molinos, J., Takao, S., Kumagai, N.H., Fujii, M., Burrows, M.T., Poloczanska, E.S., and Yamano, H. (2017) Improving the interpretability of climate landscape metrics: an ecological risk analysis of Japan's Marine Protected Areas. Global Change Biology, 23(10), 4440-4452. DOI: 10.1111/gcb.13665

Yamano, H., Kayanne, H., Yamaguchi, T., Inoue, T., Mochida, Y., and Baba, S. (2017) Revisiting late Holocene sea-level change from the Gilbert Islands, Kiribati, west-central Pacific Ocean. Quaternary Research, 88, 400-408. DOI: 10.1017/qua.2017.61

Duvat, V.K.E., Magnan, A.K., Wise, R.M., Hay, J.E., Fazey, I., Hinkel, J., Stojavinoc, T. Yamano, H., and Ballu, V. (2017) Trajectories of exposure and vulnerability of small islands to climate change. WIREs Climate Change, 8, e478. DOI:10.1002/wcc.478

Andrefouet, S., Payri, C., Van, Wynsberge, S., Lauret, O., Alefaio, S., Preston, G., Yamano, H., and Baudel, S. (2017) The timing and the scale of the proliferation of Sargassum polycystum in Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu. Journal of Applied Phycology, 29, 3097-3108. DOI: 10.1007/s10811-017-1165-8

Sakaguchi, A., Nomura, T., Steier, P., Gloser, R., Sasaki, K., Watanabe, T., Nakakuki, T., Takahashi, Y., and Yamano, H. (2016) Temporal and vertical distributions of anthropogenic 236U in the Japan Sea using a coral core and seawater samples. J. Geophys. Res., 121, 4-13. DOI: 10.1002/2015JC011109

Sasano, M., Imasato, M., Yamano, H., Oguma, H. (2016) Development of a regional coral observation method by a fluorescence imaging LIDAR installed in a towable buoy. Remote Sensing, 8(1), 48. DOI: 10.3390/rs8010048

Ishiguro, S., Yamano, H., and Oguma, H. (2016) Evaluation of DSMs generated from multi-temporal aerial photographs using emerging Structure from Motion - Multi-View Stereo technology. Geomorphology, 268, 64-71. DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.05.029

Kayanne, H., Aoki, K., Suzuki, T., Hongo, C., Yamano, H., Ide, Y., Iwatsuka,Y., Takahashi, K., Katayama, H., Sekimoto, T., and Isobe, M. (2016) Eco-geomorphic processes that maintain a small coral reef island: Ballast Island in the Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Geomorphology, 271, 84-93. DOI:10.1016/j.geomorph.2016.07.021

Mitsuguchi, T., Hirota, M., Paleo Labo AMS Dating Group, Yamazaki, A., Watanabe, T., and Yamano, H. (2016) Post-bomb coral Δ14C record from Iki Island, Japan: possible evidence of oceanographic conditions on the northern East China Sea shelf. Geo-Marine Letters, 36, 371-377. DOI:10.1007/s00367-016-0456-4

Kumagai, N.H., Yamano, H., Fujii, M., Yamanaka, Y. (2016) Habitat-forming seaweeds in Japan (fucoids and temperate kelps). Ecological Research (Data Paper), 31, 759-759. DOI:10.1007/s11284-016-1404-5 論文概要へのリンク

Yamazaki, A., Watanabe, T., Tsunogai, U., Iwase, F., and Yamano, H. (2016) A 150-year variation of the Kuroshio transport inferred from coral nitrogen isotope signature. Paleoceanography, 31, 838-846. DOI:10.1002/2015PA002880 プレスリリースへの外部リンク(外部リンク:北海道大学HP)

Sasano, M., Imasato, M., Yamano, H., and Oguma, H. (2016) Regional coral observation by a fluorescence imaging LIDAR installed in a towable buoy. Remote Sens., 8, 48; DOI: 10.3390/rs8010048

Yamakita, T., Yamamoto, H., Nakaoka, M., Yamano, H., Fujikura, K., Hidaka, K., Hirota, Y., Ichikawa, T., Kakehi, S., Kameda, T., Kitajima, S., Kogure, K., Komatsu, T., Kumagai, N.H., Miyamoto, H., Miyashita, K., Morimoto, H, Nakajima, R., Nishida, S., Nishiuchi, K., Sakamoto, S., Sano, M., Sudo, K., Sugisaki, H., Tadokoro, K., Tanaka, K., Jintsu-Uchifune, Y., Watanabe, K., Watanabe, H., Yara, Y., Yotsukura, N., Shirayama, Y. (2015) Identification of important marine areas around the Japanese Archipelago: Establishment of a protocol for evaluating a broad area using ecologically and biologically significant areas selection criteria. Marine Policy, 51, 136-147. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpol.2014.07.009

Takao, S., Kumagai, N. H., Yamano, H., Fujii, M., Yamanaka, Y. (2015) Projecting the impacts of rising seawater temperatures on the distribution of seaweeds around Japan under multiple climate change scenarios. Ecology and Evolution, 5, 213-223. DOI: 10.1002/ece3.1358 論文概要へのリンク

Ueno, R., Sateke, K., and Yamano, H. (2015) New records of Chironomidae (Diptera) of Tuvalu. Ann. Limnol. - Int. J. Lim., 51, 71-78. DOI: 10.1051/limn/2015001

Yamano, H., Cabioch, G., Pelletier, B., Chevillon, C., Tachikawa, H., Lefevre, J., Marchesiello, P. (2015) Modern carbonate sedimentary facies on the outer shelf and slope around New Caledonia. Island Arc, 24, 4-15. DOI: 10.1111/iar.12085

Miyajima, T., Hori, M., Hamaguchi, M., Shimabukuro, H., Adachi, H., Yamano, H., Nakaoka, M. (2015) Geographic variability in organic carbon stock and accumulation rate in sediments of East and Southeast Asian seagrass meadows. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29, 397-415. DOI: 10.1002/2014GB004979

Yamano, H., Satake, K., Inoue, T., Kadoya, T., Hayashi, S., Kinjo, K., Nakajima, D., Oguma, H., Ishiguro, S., Okagawa, A., Suga, S., Horie, T., Nohara, K., Fukayama, N., Hibiki, A. (2015) An integrated approach to tropical and subtropical island conservation. Journal of Ecology and Environment, 38, 271-279. DOI: 10.5141/ecoenv.2015.028

Nurdin, N., Komatsu, T., Yamano, H., Arafat, G., Rani, C., Akber, M.A.S. (2015) Spectral Clustering of Coral Reefs on the Small Islands, Spermonde Archipelago, Indonesia. Physical Science International Journal, 5, 1-11. DOI: 10.9734/PSIJ/2015/9390

Takao, S., Yamano, H., Sugihara, K., Kumagai, N.H., Fujii, M., and Yamanaka, Y. (2015) An improved estimation of the poleward expansion of coral habitats based on inter-annual variation of sea surface temperatures. Coral Reefs, 34, 1125-1137. DOI: 10.1007/s00338-015-1347-2

Makino, A., Klein, C.J., Possingham, H.P., Yamano, H., Yara, Y., Ariga, T, Matsuhasi, K., and Beger, M. (2015) The effect of applying alternate IPCC climate scenarios to marine reserve design for range changing species. Conservation Letters, 8, 320-328. DOI: 10.1111/conl.12147

Miyajima, T., Hori, M., Hamaguchi, M., Shimabukuro, H., Adachi, H., Yamano, H., Nakaoka, M. (2015) Geographic variability in organic carbon stock and accumulation rate in sediments of East and Southeast Asian seagrass meadows. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 29, 397-415. DOI: 10.1002/2014GB004979

Yamazaki, A., Watanabe, T., Tsunogai, U., Hasegawa, H., and Yamano, H. (2015) The coral δ15N record of the origins of terrestrial nitrate varies with river catchment land use. Coral Reefs, 34, 353-362. DOI: 10.1007/s00338-014-1235-1

Andrefouet, S., Aucan, J., Jourdan, H., Kench, P., Menkes, C., Vidal, E., and Yamano, H. (2015) Conservation of low-islands: high priority despite sea-level rise. Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 30(1), 1-2. DOI: 10.1016/j.tree.2014.10.001

Yara, Y., Fujii, M., Yamano, H., Yamanaka, Y. (2014) Projected coral bleaching in response to future sea surface temperature rises and the uncertainties among climate models. Hydrobiologia, 733, 19-29. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-014-1838-0

Watanabe, T., Kawamura, T., Yamazaki, A., Murayama, M., and Yamano, H. (2014) A 106 year monthly coral record reveals that the East Asian summer monsoon modulates winter PDO variability. Geophys. Res. Lett., 41, 3609-3614. DOI: 10.1002/2014GL060037

Yamano, H., Cabioch, G., Chevillon, C., and Join, J.-L. (2014) Late Holocene sea-level change and reef-island evolution in New Caledonia. Geomorphology, 222, 39-45. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.03.002

Yasukochi, T., Kayanne, H., Yamaguchi, T., Yamano, H. (2014) Sedimentary facies and Holocene depositional processes of Laura Island, Majuro Atoll. Geomorphology, 222, 59-67. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2014.04.017

Magdaong, E.T., Fujii, M., Yamano, H., Licuanan, W.Y., Campos, W.L., Alcala, A.C., White, A.T., Maypa, A., Apistar, D., and Martinez, R. (2013) Long-term change in coral cover and the effectiveness of marine protected areas in the Philippines: a meta-analysis. Hydrobiologia, 733, 5-17. DOI: 10.1007/s10750-013-1720-5

Inoue, M., Ishikawa, D., Miyajima, T., Yamazaki, A., Suzuki, A., Yamano, H., Kawahata, H., Watanabe, T. (2014) Evaluation of Mn and Fe in coral skeletons (Porites spp.) as proxies for sediment loading and reconstruction of 50 yrs of land use on Ishigaki Island, Japan. Coral Reefs, 33, 363-373. DOI: 10.1007/s00338-014-1128-3

Makino, A., Yamano, H., Beger, M., Klein, C.J., Yara, Y., and Possingham, H.P. (2014) Spatio-temporal marine conservation planning to support high-latitude coral range expansion under climate change. Diversity and Distributions, 20, 859-871. DOI: 10.1111/ddi.12184

Fujita, K., Nagamine, S., Ide, Y., Umezawa, Y., Hosono, T., Kayanne, H., Yamano, H. (2014) Distribution of large benthic foraminifers around a populated reef island: Fongafale Island, Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu. Marine Micropaleontology, 113, 1-9. DOI: 10.1016/j.marmicro.2014.08.008

Nakajima, K., Otsuka, Y., Iwatsuki, Y., Nansai, K., Yamano, H., Matsubae, K., Murakami, S., and Nagasaka, T. (2014) Global supply chain analysis of nickel: importance and possibility of controlling the resource logistics. Metall. Res. Technol., 111, 339-346. DOI: 10.1051/metal/2014036

Hongo, C. and Yamano, H. (2013) Species-specific responses of corals to bleaching events on anthropogenically turbid reefs on Okinawa Island, Japan, over a 15-year period (1995-2009). PLOS ONE, 8, e60952. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0060952 プレスリリースへのリンク

Sowa, K., Watanabe, T., Kan, H., and Yamano, H. (2014) Influence of land development on Holocene Porites coral calcification at Nagura Bay, Ishigaki Island, Japan. PLOS ONE, 9, e88790. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0088790

Perry, C.T., Kench, P.S., Smithers, S.G., Yamano, H., M. O’Leary, M., and Gulliver, P. (2013) Timescales and modes of reef lagoon infilling in the Maldives and controls on the onset of reef island formation. Geology, 41, 1111-1114. DOI: 10.1130/G34690.1 論文概要へのリンク

Seo, I., Lee, Y.I., Watanabe, T., Yamano, H., Shimamura, M., Yoo, C.M., and Hyeong, K. (2013) A skeletal Sr/Ca record preserved in Dipsastraea (Favia) speciosa and implications for coral Sr/Ca thermometry in mid-latitude regions. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 14, 2873-2885. DOI: 10.1002/ggge.20195 論文概要へのリンク

Weisler, M.I., Yamano, H., Hua, Q. (2012) A multidisciplinary approach for dating human colonization of Pacific atolls. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 7(1), 102-125. DOI: 10.1080/15564894.2011.616923

Namizaki, N., Yamano, H., Suzuki, R., Oohori, K., Onaga, H., Kishimoto, T., Sagawa, T., Machida, Y., Yasumura, S., Sato, T., Shigiya, T., Shibata, T., Tsuchikawa, M., Miyamoto, Y., Harukawa, K., Hirate, K., Furuse, K., Hokoyama, K., Yamanaka, Y., and Wagatsuma, T. (2012) The potential of citizen monitoring programs for marine areas: activities of the two-year Sango (Coral) Map Project. Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies, 15, 391-395. DOI: 10.3755/galaxea.15.391

Yamano, H., Sugihara, K., Watanabe, T., Shimamura, M., and Hyeong, K. (2012) Coral reefs at 34˚N, Japan: Exploring the end of environmental gradients. Geology, 40, 835-838. DOI: 10.1130/G33293.1 論文概要へのリンク

Yara, Y., Vogt, M., Fujii, M., Yamano, H., Hauri, C., Steinacher, M., Gruber, N., and Yamanaka, Y. (2012) Ocean acidification limits temperature-induced poleward expansion of coral habitats around Japan. Biogeosciences, 9, 4955-4968. DOI: 10.5194/bg-9-4955-2012

Nurdin, N., Komatsu, T., Yamano, H., Arafat, G., Rani, C, Noer, A. (2012) Hyperspectral Response: Key for Mapping Coral Rubber, Live and Dead Corals. Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering, 2, 182-190.

Nakada, S., Umezawa, Y., Taniguchi, M., Yamano, H. (2012) Groundwater dynamics of Fongafale Islet, Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu. Ground Water, 50(4), 639-644. DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00874.x

Yamano, H., Sugihara, K., Goto, K., Kazama, T., Yokoyama, K., and Okuno, J. (2012) Ranges of obligate coral-dwelling crabs extend northward as their hosts move north. Coral Reefs, 31, 663. DOI: 10.1007/s00338-012-0893-0

Weisler, M.I., Yamano, H., and Hua, Q. (2012) A multidisciplinary approach for dating human colonization of Pacific atolls. Journal of Island and Coastal Archaeology, 7, 102-125. DOI: 10.1080/15564894.2011.616923

Nakada, S., Umezawa, Y., Taniguchi, M., and Yamano, H. (2012) Groundwater dynamics of Fongafale Islet, Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu. Ground Water, 50, 639-644. DOI: 10.1111/j.1745-6584.2011.00874.x

Yamano, H., Sugihara, K., and Nomura, K. (2011) Rapid poleward range expansion of tropical reef corals in response to rising sea surface temperatures. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L04601. DOI: 10.1029/2010GL046474.

Kayanne, H., Yasukochi, T., Yamaguchi, T., Yamano, H., and Yoneda, M. (2011) Rapid settlement of Majuro Atoll, central Pacific, following its emergence at 2000 years CalBP. Geophysical Research Letters, 38, L20405. DOI: 10.1029/2011GL049163

Yara, Y., Oshima, K., Fujii, M., Yamano, H., Yamanaka, Y., and Okada, N. (2011) Projection and uncertainty of the poleward range expansion of coral habitats in response to sea surface temperature warming: A multiple climate model study. Galaxea, Journal of Coral Reef Studies, 13, 11-20. DOI: 10.3755/galaxea.13.11

Perry, C.T., Kench, P.S., Smithers, S.G., Riegl, B., Yamano, H., and O’Leary, M.J. (2011) Implications of reef ecosystem change for the stability and maintenance of coral reef islands. Global Change Biology, 17, 3679-3696. DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2486.2011.02523.x

Abe, O., Watanabe, A., Sarma, V.V.S.S., Matsui, Y., Yamano, H., Yoshida, N., and Saino, T. (2010) Air-sea gas transfer in a shallow, flowing and coastal environment estimated by dissolved inorganic carbon and dissolved oxygen analyses. Journal of Oceanography, 66, 363-372. DOI: 10.1007/s10872-010-0032-x

Osawa, Y., Fujita, K., Umezawa, Y., Kayanne, H., Ide, Y., Nagaoka T., Miyajima T., and Yamano, H. (2010) Human impacts on large benthic foraminifers near a densely populated area of Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 60, 1279-1287. DOI: 10.1016/j.marpolbul.2010.03.014

Adachi, H., Yamano, H.*, Miyajima, T., and Nakaoka, M. (2010) A simple and robust procedure for coring unconsolidated sediment in shallow water. Journal of Oceanography, 66, 865-872. DOI: 10.1007/s10872-010-0070-4

Fujita, K., Osawa, Y., Kayanne, H., Ide, Y., and Yamano H. (2009) Distribution and sediment production of large benthic foraminifers on reef flats of the Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Coral Reefs, 28, 29-45. DOI: 10.1007/s00338-008-0441-0

Yamaguchi, T., Kayanne, H., and Yamano, H. (2009) Archaeological investigation of the landscape history of an oceanic atoll - Majuro, Marshall Islands. Pacific Science, 63, 537-565. DOI: 10.2984/049.063.0405

Murase, T., Tanaka, M., Tani, T., Miyashita, Y., Ohkawa, N., Ishiguro, S., Suzuki, Y., Kayanne, H., and Yamano, H.* (2008) A photogrammetric correction procedure for light refraction effects at a two-medium boundary. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing, 74, 1129-1136. DOI: 10.14358/PERS.74.9.1129

Miyajima, T., Tanaka, Y., Koike, I., Yamano, H., and Kayanne, H. (2007) Evaluation of spatial correlation between nutrient exchange rates and benthic biota in a reef-flat ecosystem by GIS-assisted flow-tracking method. Journal of Oceanography, 63, 643-659. DOI: 10.1007/s10872-007-0057-y

Yamano, H. (2007) The use of multi-temporal satellite images to estimate intertidal reef-flat topography. Journal of Spatial Science, 52, 71-77. DOI: 10.1080/14498596.2007.9635103

Yamano, H., Kayanne, H., Yamaguchi, T., Kuwahara, Y., Yokoki, H., Shimazaki, H., and Chikamori, M. (2007) Atoll island vulnerability to flooding and inundation revealed by historical reconstruction: Fongafale Islet, Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu. Global and Planetary Change, 57, 407-416. DOI: 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2007.02.007

Yamano, H., Chen, J., Zhang, Y., and Tamura, M. (2006) Relating photosynthesis of biological soil crusts with reflectance: preliminary assessment based on a hydration experiment. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 27, 5393-5399. DOI: 10.1080/01431160600823214

Yamano, H., Shimazaki, H., Matsunaga, T., Ishoda, A., McClennen, C., Yokoki, H., Fujita, K., Osawa, Y., and Kayanne, H. (2006) Evaluation of various satellite sensors for waterline extraction in a coral reef environment: Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Geomorphology, 82, 398-411. DOI: 10.1016/j.geomorph.2006.06.003

Watanabe, A., Kayanne, H., Hata, H., Kudo, S., Nozaki, K., Kato, K., Negishi, A., Ikeda, Y. and Yamano, H. (2006) Analysis of the seawater CO2 system in the barrier reef-lagoon system of Palau using total alkalinity-dissolved inorganic carbon diagrams. Limnology and Oceanography, 41, 1614-1628. DOI: 10.4319/lo.2006.51.4.1614

Kayanne, H., Hata, H., Kudo, S., Yamano, H., Watanabe, A., Ikeda, Y., Nozaki, K., Kato, K., Negishi, A., and Saito, H. (2005) Seasonal and bleaching-induced changes in coral reef metabolism and CO2 flux. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 19, GB3015. DOI: 10.1029/2004GB002400

Hata, H., Kudo, S., Muramoto, A., Nozaki, K., Kato, K., Negishi, A., Saito, H., Yamano, H., Watanabe, A., and Kayanne, H. (2004) The application of pH and pCO2 monitoring to estimating the rates of coral reef community metabolism. Galaxea, 6, 21-42.

Yamano, H. and Tamura, M. (2004) Detection limits of coral reef bleaching by satellite remote sensing: simulation and data analysis. Remote Sensing of Environment, 90, 86-103. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2003.12.005

Andrefouet, S., Kramer, P., Torres-Pulliza, D., Joyce, K.E., Hochberg, E.J., Garza-Perez, R., Mumby, P.J., Riegl, B., Yamano, H., White, W.H., Zubia, M., Brock, J.C., Phinn, S.R., Naseer, A., Hatcher, B.G., and Muller-Karger, F. (2003) Multi-site evaluation of IKONOS data for classification of tropical coral reef environments. Remote Sensing of Environment, 88, 128-143. DOI: 10.1016/j.rse.2003.04.005

Yamano, H., Tamura, M., Kunii, Y., and Hidaka, M. (2003) Spectral reflectance as a potential tool for detecting stressed corals. Galaxea, 5, 1-10. DOI: 10.3755/jcrs.2003.1

Yamano, H., Chen, J., and Tamura, M. (2003) Hyperspectral identification of grassland vegetation in Xilinhot, Inner Mongolia, China. International Journal of Remote Sensing, 24, 3171-3178. DOI: 10.1080/0143116031000098878

Yamano, H., Abe, O., Matsumoto, E., Kayanne, H., Yonekura, N., and Blanchon, P. (2003) Influence of wave energy on Holocene coral reef development: an example from Ishigaki Island, Ryukyu Islands, Japan. Sedimentary Geology, 159, 27-41. DOI: 10.1016/S0037-0738(03)00093-9

Yamamuro, M., Kayanne, H., and Yamano, H. (2003) d15N of seagrass leaves for monitoring anthropogenic nutrient increases in coral reef ecosystems. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 46, 452-458. DOI: 10.1016/S0025-326X(02)00463-0

Adachi, H., Yamano, H.*, Kayanne, H., Matsuda, F., and Tsuji, Y. (2002) A portable, electrical-based percussion coring system for use in deep water. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 72, 727-730. DOI: 10.1306/031802720727

Yamano, H., Kayanne, H., Matsuda, F., and Tsuji, Y. (2002) Lagoonal facies, ages, and sedimentation in three atolls in the Pacific. Marine Geology, 185, 233-247. DOI: 10.1016/S0025-3227(02)00188-3

Kayanne, H., Yamano, H., and Randall, R.H. (2002) Holocene sea-level changes and barrier reef formation on an oceanic island, Palau Islands, western Pacific. Sedimentary Geology, 150, 47-60. DOI: 10.1016/S0037-0738(01)00267-6

Yamano, H., Tamura, M., Kunii, Y., and Hidaka, M. (2002) Hyperspectral remote sensing and radiative transfer simulation as a tool for monitoring coral reef health. Marine Technology Society Journal, 36, 4-13. DOI: 10.4031/002533202787914205

Kayanne, H., Hata, H., Nozaki, K., Kato, K., Negishi, A., Saito, H., Yamano, H., Isamu, T., Kimoto, H., Tsuda, M., Akimoto, F., Kawate, K., and Iwata, I. (2002) Submergible system to measure seawater pCO2 on a shallow sea floor. Marine Technology Society Journal, 36, 23-28. DOI: 10.4031/002533202787914241

Hata, H., Kudo, S., Yamano, H., Kurano, N., and Kayanne, H. (2002) Organic carbon flux in Shiraho coral reef (Ishigaki Island, Japan). Marine Ecology Progress Series, 232, 149-162.

Yamano, H., Abe, O., Kitagawa, H., Niu, E., and Nakamura, T. (2001) Coral reef evolution at the leeward side of Ishigaki Island, Southwest Japan. Radiocarbon, 43, 899-908.

Yamano, H., Hori, K., Yamauchi, M., Yamagawa, O., and Ohmura, A. (2001) Highest-latitude coral reef at Iki Island, Japan. Coral Reefs, 20, 9-12.

Yamano, H., Kayanne, H., and Yonekura, N. (2001) Anatomy of a modern coral reef flat: a recorder of storms and uplift in the late Holocene. Journal of Sedimentary Research, 71, 295-304.

Komatsu, T. and Yamano, H. (2000) Influence of seagrass vegetation on bottom topography and sediment distribution on a small spatial scale in the Dravuni Island Lagoon, Fiji. Biologia Marina Mediterranea, 7, 243-246.

Yamano, H., Miyajima, T., and Koike, I. (2000) Importance of foraminifera for the formation and maintenance of a coral sand cay: Green Island, Australia. Coral Reefs, 19, 51-58.

Yamano, H., Kayanne, H., Yonekura, N., and Kudo, K. (2000) 21-year changes of backreef coral distribution: causes and significance. Journal of Coastal Research, 16, 99-110.

Miyajima, T., Koike, I., Yamano, H., and Iizumi, H. (1998) Accumulation and transport of seagrass-derived organic matter in reef flat sediment of Green Island, Great Barrier Reef. Marine Ecology Progress Series, 175, 251-259.

Yamano, H., Kayanne, H., Yonekura, N., Nakamura, H., and Kudo, K. (1998) Water circulation in a fringing reef located in a monsoon area: Kabira Reef, Ishigaki Island, Southwest Japan. Coral Reefs, 17, 89-99.

  • 研究論文:和文(査読のあるもの)

池上 真木彦, 角 真耶, 石田 孝英, 山野 博哉, 香坂 玲, 石濱 史子, 亀山 哲, 小出 大, 小林 邦彦, 富田 基史, 角谷 拓. (2024) 昆明・モントリオール生物多様性枠組の目標・ターゲット・指標:その内容 と有用性の解説. 日本生態学会誌, 74 巻, 1 号, p. 85-. 国立環境研究所ウェブサイトプレスリリースへのリンク新着情報 updated Jun. 3, 2024

阿部博哉, 三ツ井聡美, 山野博哉 (2022) 国立公園における造礁サンゴ・大型海藻・海草の管理と利用:気候変動への適応策検討に向けた課題の抽出. 保全生態学研究, 27, 1-19. 新着情報 updated Jul. 1, 2022

阿部博哉, 三ツ井聡美, 鈴木はるか, 北野裕子, 熊谷直喜, 山野博哉 (2021) 足摺宇和海国立公園周辺海域における沿岸生態系の利用・保全状況とサンゴ群集・海藻藻場の分布. 日本サンゴ礁学会誌, 23, 1-19 論文概要紹介

北村立実, 松崎慎一郎, 西浩司, 松本俊一, 久保雄広, 山野博哉, 幸福智, 菊地心, 吉村奈緒子, 福島武彦 (2020) 霞ヶ浦の生態系サービスの享受量の変遷及び代替法による経済評価. 応用生態工学会誌, 23, 217-234 国立環境研究所ウェブサイトプレスリリースへのリンク

幸福智, 久保雄広, 北村立実, 松崎慎一郎, 松本俊一, 山野博哉, 西浩司, 菊地心, 吉村奈緒子, 福島武彦 (2020) 選択型実験を用いた霞ヶ浦の生態系サービスの経済価値評価. 応用生態工学会誌, 23, 235-243 国立環境研究所ウェブサイトプレスリリースへのリンク

西浩司, 久保雄広, 北村立実, 松崎慎一郎, 松本俊一, 山野博哉, 幸福智, 菊地心, 吉村奈緒子, 福島武彦 (2020) ベスト・ワースト・スケーリングによる霞ヶ浦の生態系サービスの重要度評価. 応用生態工学会誌, 23, 245-256 国立環境研究所ウェブサイトプレスリリースへのリンク

松崎慎一郎, 北村立実, 西浩司, 松本俊一, 久保雄広, 山野博哉, 幸福智, 菊地心, 吉村奈緒子, 福島武彦 (2020) 複数のアプローチを用いた霞ヶ浦の生態系サービス経済評価の試み:特集を企画するにあたって. 応用生態工学会誌, 23, 213-215 国立環境研究所ウェブサイトプレスリリースへのリンク

山野博哉, 久保雄広, 松崎慎一郎 (2020) 霞ヶ浦生態系サービスの経済評価の意義、課題、そして活用. 応用生態工学会誌, 23, 257-259 国立環境研究所ウェブサイトプレスリリースへのリンク

熊谷直喜, 山野博哉, サンゴマップ実行委員会 (2018). オープンデータを利用した地域・広域的なサンゴ白化の推定. 日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 38, 95-98. 論文概要紹介

角谷拓, 赤坂宗光, 藤田卓, 伊藤俊哉, 勝又聖乃, 三輪隆, 竹内やよい, 山野博哉 (2017). 民間で維持される保護地域の評価と拡充の重要性. 保全生態学研究, 22, 241-249.

小田川信哉, 武田知己, 山野博哉, 松永恒雄 (2016). ハイパースペクトルデータを用いたサンゴ礁底質被度推定手法の提案. 日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 36, 1-10.

林誠二, 山野博哉 (2015). 土砂流出モデルを用いたサトウキビ農地小流域からの赤土等流出削減効果の検討-夏植え栽培農地への緑肥導入による赤土流出抑制効果について-. 環境科学会誌, 28(6), 438-447.

柴野良太, 藤井賢彦, 山中康裕, 山野博哉, 髙尾信太郎 (2014)北海道における沿岸水温環境とホタテガイ漁獲量の時空間変動解析. 水産海洋研究 78(4), 259-267.

小川みふゆ,竹中明夫,角谷 拓,石濱史子,山野博哉,赤坂宗光(2013)植生図情報を用いた全国スケールでの土地利用図の作成-生物の分布推定をおこなうユーザーのために-. 保全生態学研究 18:69-76.

小林竜太, 山口徹, 山野博哉(2013) リモートセンシングによる石垣島サンゴ礁形成史の地域差推定-先史資源利用研究に向けて-. 考古学研究. 60巻 pp. 55-72.

篠野雅彦, 松本 陽, 今里元信, 山野博哉, 小熊宏之(2013) グラスボート搭載イメージング蛍光ライダーによるサンゴ観測 . 日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 33. 377-389. 日本リモートセンシング学会論文賞受賞 受賞記事へのリンク

永田俊輔・杉原 薫・入野智久・渡邊 剛・山野博哉 (2013) 日本の亜熱帯域と温帯域におけるキクメイシDipsastraea speciosa (Dana, 1846) の骨格成長. 日本サンゴ礁学会誌 15, 37-56.

佐藤大作, 横木裕宗, 桑原祐史, タリアアネ, 山野博哉 , 茅根創 (2012). 環礁州島のサンゴ礫堆積地形の変化機構の解明. 土木学会論文集, 68, I-121-I-125.

木村 匡,下池和幸,鈴木 豪,仲与志勇,塩入淳生,田端 敦,田端裕二,藤田喜久,座安佑奈,山野博哉,浪崎直子,横井謙典,小笠原敬,安村茂樹 (2011) 久米島ナンハナリ沖で発見された中深度の大規模ヤセミドリイシ群集. 日本サンゴ礁学会誌, 13, 43-45.

中田聡史, 山野博哉, 梅澤 有, 藤田昌史, 渡邊真砂夫, 谷口真人 (2010) 比抵抗法による環礁州島における帯水層の塩水化評価. 日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 30, 317-330.

山崎敦子, 渡邊剛, 岨康輝, 中地シュウ, 山野博哉, 岩瀬文人 (2009) 高知県竜串湾に生息する造礁性サンゴ骨格を用いた温帯域の古環境復元. 日本サンゴ礁学会誌, 11, 91-107. (2009/09/14受理)

藤井賢彦,山野博哉 (2010) 『大森(2010)「中尾ら(2009)日本のサンゴ被度データベースの作成と分析.日本サンゴ礁学会誌11: 109-129」に対するコメント』への回答. 日本サンゴ礁学会誌, 12, 53-57.

屋良由美子, 藤井賢彦, 山中康裕, 岡田直資, 山野博哉, 大島和裕 (2009) 地球温暖化に伴う海水温上昇が日本近海の造礁サンゴの分布と健全度に及ぼす影響評価. 日本サンゴ礁学会誌, 11, 131-140.

杉原薫, 園田直樹, 今福太郎, 永田俊輔, 指宿敏幸, 山野博哉 (2009) 九州西岸から隠岐諸島にかけての造礁サンゴ群集の緯度変化. 日本サンゴ礁学会誌, 11, 51-67.

渡邊剛, 島村道代, 山野博哉 (2009) 北限サンゴ礁から採取されたキクメイシ属サンゴ骨格中の酸素・炭素同位体比. 日本サンゴ礁学会誌, 11, 83-90.

山野博哉, 浪崎直子 (2009) 最前線のサンゴ:千葉県館山のエンタクミドリイシ群体の変化. 日本サンゴ礁学会誌, 11, 71-72.

中尾有伸, 山野博哉, 藤井賢彦, 山中康裕 (2009) 日本のサンゴ被度データベースの作成と分析. 日本サンゴ礁学会誌, 11, 109-129.

桑原祐史,横木裕宗,佐藤大作,山野博哉,茅根 創(2008)ツバル国フナフチ環礁における沿岸域土地被覆変化の解析.沿岸域学会誌,21,21-32.

山野博哉(2008)地図の無い島-環礁州島における地理情報の整備と地球温暖化に対する脆弱性評価・適応策への応用-. 地学雑誌, 117, 412-423.

佐藤大作,横木裕宗,藤田和彦,桑原祐史,山野博哉,島崎彦人,茅根 創,渡邊真砂夫 (2006) 海面上昇後のマーシャル諸島マジュロ環礁における地形維持過程の数値シミュレーション.海岸工学論文集, 53, 1291-1295.

横木裕宗,佐藤大作,山野博哉,島崎彦人,安藤創也,南 陽介,高木 洋,茅根 創,Ishoda, A. (2004) 環礁州島における地形維持機構とラグーン内波浪場の関係に関する現地調査.海岸工学論文集,51,1381-1385.

茅根 創,波利井佐紀,山野博哉,田村正行,井手陽一,秋元不二雄(1999)琉球列島石垣島白保・川平の定測線における1998年白化前後の造礁サンゴ群集被度変化.日本サンゴ礁学会誌,1,73-82.

  • 学会紀要(査読のあるもの)

Hanaizumi, H., Akiba, M., Yamano, H., and Matsunaga, T. (2009) A pan-sharpening method for satellite image-based coral reef monitoring with higher accuracy. Proceedings of the 11th International Coral Reef Symposium, 626-630.

Kimura, T., Hasegawa, H., Igarashi, T., Inaba, M., Iwao, K., Iwase, F., Kajiwara, K., Matsumoto, T., Nakai, T., Nojima, S., Nomura, K., Nonaka, M., Oki, K., Sakai, K., Shimoike, K., Sugihara, K., Ueno, M., Ueno, S., Yamano, H., Yokochi, H., and Yoshida, M. (2006) Status of coral reefs in Japan. Proceedings of the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, 1068-1076.

Yamaguchi, T., Chikamori, M., Kayanne, H., Yamano, H., Yokoki, H., and Najima, Y. (2006) Conditions and activities supporting early prehistoric human settlement on Majuro Atoll in Marshall Islands, Eastern Micronesia. Proceedings of the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, 1549-1555.

Yamano, H., Yamaguchi, T., Chikamori, M., Kayanne, H., Yokoki, H., Shimazaki, H., Tamura, M., Watanabe, S., and Yoshii, S. (2006) Satellite-based typology to assess stability and vulnerability of atoll islands: a comparison with archaeological data. Proceedings of the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, 1556-1566.

Yokoki, H., Yamano, H., Kayanne, H., Sato, D., Shimazaki, H., Yamaguchi, T., Chikamori, M., Ishoda, A., and Takagi, H. (2006) Numerical calculations of longshore sediment transport due to wave transformation in the lagoon of Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Proceedings of the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, 1570-1576.

Shimazaki, H., Yamano, H., Yokoki, H., Yamaguchi, T., Chikamori, M., Tamura, M., and Kayanne, H. (2006) Global mapping of factors controlling reef-island formation and maintenance. Proceedings of the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, 1577-1584.

Yoshida, M., Hanaizumi, H., and Yamano, H. (2006) A method for extracting flow lines in coral reef field using aerial photographs. Proceedings of the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium, 1746-1752.

Yamano, H. and Tamura, M. (2002) Can satellite sensors detect coral reef bleaching? A feasibility study using radiative transfer models in air and water. Proceedings of the 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, 1025-1030.

Kayanne, H., Kudo, S., Hata, H., Yamano, H., Nozaki, K., Kato, K., Negishi, A., Saito, H., Akimoto, F., and Kimoto, H. (2002) Integrated monitoring system for coral reef water pCO2, carbonate system and physical parameters. Proceedings of the 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, 1079-1084.

Yamano, H. (2002) Sensitivity of reef flats and reef islands to sea-level change. Proceedings of the 9th International Coral Reef Symposium, 1193-1198.

Kudo, K. and Yamano, H. (1997) Dynamic structure of coral reef communities: a simulation study. Proceedings of the 8th International Coral Reef Symposium, 1, 509-514.

  • 総説・解説など(査読のあるもの)

山野博哉 (2017). 世界と日本におけるサンゴ礁の状況, 今後の予測, そして保全に向けた取組. 日本サンゴ礁学会誌, 19(1), 41-49.

  • 総説・解説など(査読の無いもの)

山野博哉,浪崎直子 (2011) 生物多様性条約第10回締約国会議におけるサンゴ礁の位置付けと、保全・再生に対する取り組み.沿岸域学会誌, 23, 31-37.

山野博哉, 石原光則, 石山 隆, 川村健介, 小松義典, 作野裕司, 島崎彦人, 井上吉雄 (2011) リモートセンシングを用いた生態系の問題解決に向けた応用場面と要件の収集. 日本リモートセンシング学会誌, 31, 87-90.

浪崎直子, 山野博哉, 鈴木倫太郎, 大堀健司, 翁長 均, 岸本多美子, 佐川鉄平, 町田佳子, 安村茂樹, 佐藤崇範, 鴫谷 隆, 柴田 剛, 土川 仁, 宮本育昌, 春川京子, 平手康市, 古瀬浩史, 鉾山謙一, 山中康司, 我妻 亨 (2010) 海をフィールドにした市民調査の可能性-「日本全国みんなでつくるサンゴマップ」プロジェクトの2年間の成果と展望-. 海の研究, 20, 37-46.

山野博哉 (2010) グローバル・ローカルな要因による小島嶼国の環境問題. 水環境学会誌, 33, 234-238.

山野博哉(2008)日本におけるサンゴ礁の分布. 沿岸海洋研究, 46, 3-9.

Kayanne, H., Chikamori, M., Yamano, H., Yamaguchi, T., Yokoki, H., and Shimazaki, H. (2005) Interdisciplinary approach for sustainable land management of atoll islands. Global Environmental Research, 9, 1-7.

Yamano, H., Kayanne, H., and Chikamori, M. (2005) An overview of the nature and dynamics of reef islands. Global Environmental Research, 9, 9-20.

Yokoki, H., Yamano, H., Kayanne, H., Sato, D., Minami, Y., Ando, S., Shimazaki, H., Yamaguchi, T., Chikamori, M., Ishoda, A., and Takagi, H. (2005) Comparison between longshore sediment transport due to waves and long-term shoreline change in Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands. Global Environmental Research, 9, 21-26.

Yamaguchi, T., Kayanne, H., Yamano, H., Najima, Y., Chikamori, M., and Yokoki, H. (2005) Excavation of pit agriculture’s landscape on Majuro Atoll, Marshall Islands, and its implications. Global Environmental Research, 9, 27-36.

Yamano, H., Shimazaki, H., Kayanne, H., Yokoki, H., Yamaguchi, T., Chikamori, M., Tamura, M., Murase, T., Suzuki, Y., Itou, K., Hirose, M., Sano, S., Takagi, H., Watanabe, M., Akimoto, F., Watanabe, S., Yoshii, S., Ishoda, A., Leenders, N., and Forstreuter, W. (2005) Efforts to generate maps of atoll countries. Global Environmental Research, 9, 37-46.

Shimazaki, H., Yamano, H., Yokoki, H., Yamaguchi, T., Chikamori, M., Tamura, M., Kayanne, H. (2005) Geographic database on the natural and socioeconomic conditions of reef islands. Global Environmental Research, 9, 47-55.

  • 著書・編著・その他

Suzuki, Y., Nakamori, T., Hidaka, M., Kayanne, H., Casareto, B.E., Nadaoka, K., Yamano, H., Tsuchiya, M., and Yamazato, K. (eds.) (2006) Proceedings of the 10th International Coral Reef Symposium. Japanese Coral Reef Society, Tokyo.

Ministry of the Environment and Japanese Coral Reef Society (eds.) (Executive Editors: Tsuchiya, M., Nadaoka, K., Kayanne, H., and Yamano, H.) (2004) Coral Reefs of Japan. Ministry of the Environment, Tokyo, 356 pp.

久米島の人と自然 小さな島の環境保全活動~ 
 築地書館 2015年8月刊行 ISBN978-4-8067-1499-6


  • 著書(分担執筆)
 "The Biodiversity Observation Network in Asia-Pacific Region: Integrative Observations and Assessments", Nakano, S., T. Yahara and T. Nakashizuka (Eds), Springer, Tokyo 2014

<Part II Status Quo of Biodiversity Monitoring>

4. pp. 65-82.
Hiroya Yamano, Chuki Hongo, Kaoru Sugihara, Yumiko Yara, Yushin Nakao, and Masahiko Fujii. "Current Status of the National Coral Database in Japan: Dataset Development, Applications, and Future Directions"

5. pp. 83-110.
Evangeline T. Magdaong, Hiroya Yamano, and Masahiko Fujii. "Development of a Large-Scale, Long-Term Coral Cover and Disturbance Database in the Philippines"

6. pp. 111-130.
Kaoru Sugihara, Hiroya Yamano, Kwang-Sik Choi, and Kiseong Hyeong. "Zooxanthellate Scleractinian Corals of Jeju Island, Republic of Korea"

<Part IV Advanced Concepts and Methods of Integrated Biodiversity Monitoring>

10. pp. 209-230.
Munemitsu Akasaka, Akio Takenaka, Fumiko Ishihama, Taku Kadoya, Mifuyu Ogawa, Takeshi Osawa, Takehisa Yamakita, Shuichiro Tagane, Reiichiro Ishii, Shin Nagai, Hisatomo Taki, Takumi Akasaka, Hiroyuki Oguma, Toru Suzuki, and Hiroya Yamano. "Development of a National Land-Use/Cover Dataset to Estimate Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services"

11. pp. 231-238.
Mitsunori Ishihara, Hitoshi Hasegawa, Seiji Hayashi, and Hiroya Yamano. Land Cover Classification Using Multi-Temporal Satellite Images in a Subtropical Region.

Reiichiro Ishii, and Rikie Suzuki, Hiroyuki Muraoka, Kenlo Nishida Nasahara, Hiroya Yamano (2014) The Japanese Biodiversity Observation Network (J-BON) Working Group on the integration of remotely sensed and in-situ observations. In: CBD Technical Series No.72 "EARTH OBSERVATION FOR BIODIVERSITY MONITORING: A review of current approaches and future opportunities for tracking progress towards the Aichi Biodiversity Targets"

山野博哉 (2011) サンゴの海を調べる. In: 日本サンゴ礁学会編「サンゴ礁学」, 東海大学出版会, 神奈川.

山野博哉, 松永恒雄(2009)サンゴ礁-生物によって形成された地形. 宇宙から見た地形. 朝倉書店, 東京.

山野博哉(2009)サンゴ礁の保全・再生. 環境教育実践事例集. 第一法規, 東京.

山野博哉 (2010) 造礁サンゴとは. 造礁サンゴフィールド図鑑(伊豆・三浦・房総編). NPO法人OWS, 東京.

山野博哉 (2010) サンゴの白化は温暖化のせい? ココが知りたい地球温暖化, 成山堂書店, 東京

Idip, D. Jr., Kayanne, H., Yamano, H., Matsunaga, T., and Shimazaki, H. (2007) Chapter 17: Coastal habitat map of Palau. In Kayanne, H., Omori, M., Fabricius, K., Verheij, E., Colin, P., Golbuu, Y. and Yukihira, H. (eds.) Coral Reefs of Palau. Palau International Coral Reef Center, Palau, pp. 170-202.

松永恒雄,山野博哉 (2006) サンゴ礁.「資源・環境リモートセンシング実用シリーズ 第5巻 地球観測データの利用(2)」資源・環境観測解析センター, 東京, pp. 35-43.

山野博哉 (2005) 高分解能衛星の環境分野への応用.村井俊治編「測量工学ハンドブック」.朝倉書店, 東京

Last updated Jun. 3, 2024