The National Institute for Environmental Studies (NIES), Japan, invited eight internationally active experts in the field of environmental studies to participate in and comprise the 1st NIES International Advisory Board (IAB), held from August 17 (Monday) to August 19 (Wednesday) in Tsukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture. The 1st NIES IAB was convened in order to benefit from the advice and suggestions of these invited international experts (hereafter ‘IAB Members’) in relation to forthcoming research activities: including the research plan for the next mid-term (4th NIES five-year plan) to develop forthcoming research prospects and inform the drafting, on the basis of research outcomes during the 3rd NIES five-year plan (2011-2015).

This report comprises a summary of the advice and suggestions of the IAB Members. In Section 1 we outline details of the IAB; Section 2 includes a full summary of the content of advice and suggestions received from the IAB Members following the IAB.

Research outcomes from the period covered by the 3rd NIES five-year plan, and an overview of the 4th NIES five-year plan are included in the separate “NIES International Advisory Board 2015 Preparatory Reference Materials (outline)” and consist of a modified summary of materials distributed to the IAB Members in advance of the 1st NIES IAB.

・IAB Advisory Report  Japanese (abstract) / English (full paper)
・Document 1 List of IAB member Japanese / English
・Document 2 Itinerary of 1st NIES IAB meeting Japanese / English
・Document 3 Preparatory Reference Material English only